Style Guide & Logos

for roosted agents

Roosted Logos

Roosted logo the real estate referral brokerage

Full Roosted Logo – No Tagline

Download: png  |  jpg

Full Roosted Logo – With Tagline

Download: Black tagline (png)  |  White tagline (png)

Roosted Icon Only

Download: jpg

Style Guide

Dark blue text

Hex #0f3164

rgb(15, 49, 100)

Light blue text

Hex #1CA6FC

rgb(28, 166, 252)

Orange accent color

Hex #FC721C

rgb(252, 114, 28)

When written, acceptable formats are all-lowercase or first letter capitalized.



You can choose whether or not to include the tagline. Tagline is all-lowercase

Roosted, the real estate referral brokerage

Roosted agents may not use the term REALTOR®.

Please use “real estate agent” or “real estate referral agent”.

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