
work from anywhere

the new way to make money with a real estate license

Roosted is a tech-enabled brokerage

work remote

Our tech makes it easy to earn a commission, no matter where you are in the world. All you need is an internet connection!

use your real estate license from anywhere

make money

Roosted helps Arizona licensees earn 35% referral fees in all 50 states.

no headaches

With Roosted, you don’t pay dues, write contracts, or manage clients. Enter your clients’ info into the app, then wait for your check!

Roosted agents don't pay for:

Keep an active license

Maintain an active real estate license without paying NAR dues or MLS fees.​

Refer friends & family

The roosted app makes it easy to refer anyone you know to a great agent.

Earn referral fees

Get paid 35% of the agent's commission, just for sending the referral.​

Coverage in all 50 states

Regardless of where they live, you get paid for connecting them with a great agent.

Tech-powered referrals

No printing. No paperwork. No emails. Everything is handled through the app.

No more transactions

A few taps is all it takes to send a referral, and then your job is done!