
become a partner brokerage

Roosted app showing how you choose what type of referral you are sending

For brokers, dues renewal time can be stressful. Every broker has received that email about their agents who haven’t paid MLS and association fees. You know the one. It says “make sure your agents pay or you have to pay for them!”

When agents can’t afford those dues, what happens? For most brokers, they end up going inactive and never come back. That’s because most brokers don’t have a solution for their agents in this situation.

roosted Partner Brokers can now send those agents to hang their license at roosted. Why? Because the referrals those agents send get sent back to their original broker. No more lost transactions when agents retire or get out of the business! The broker keeps the transactions in house, positively impacting their production numbers.

At roosted , we hope that every one of our agents returns to being a full time agent. When that happens, roosted will refer the agent back to the Partner Broker from which they came.

Coverage in all 50 states

Make a referral fee when friends & family buy or sell, anywhere in the country, with any type of agent.

Track referrals on the app

The roosted web app makes it easy to track the status of referrals, which are color-coded based on status.

Get paid by disruptors

roosted makes it easy to earn referral fees, regardless of who the referral sells to, including iBuyers.

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